welcome to my narrative...in bits and pieces

...all perception is valid...only accuracy is negotiable...however, personal realities tend to ignore the latter...the tale herein offers no exception...go ahead, accept the challenge...presume that whatever you read is true...then seek what might be true about it...regardless, illumination to purge the past remains paramount...kindness and mercy reign supreme on this venture outside my head...wtf simply begins the adventure...thank you...

~ js

Friday, April 8, 2011

Declaring Heart Kin

Today I referred to my "heart circle" (LTHC) elsewhere, which might imply that the members thereof know of their status.  So I am notifying the mutual connections within my LTHC that any mention of "heart circle" by me includes them.

This message is that notice.  Of course, what any tribe member means by the LTHC designation depends on their individual experiences.  For me, inclusion in my LTHC means that I keenly care about you regardless of shared time and distance and regardless of my mood or manner. 

In short, it tells me what to expect from myself and what you, in turn, may anticipate from me.  Feel free to ask any questions or to request any clarification.  Rest assured your identity is known only to me through the LT website.  All the best!

     ~ Jus Soli

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fool's Reward

Have long suspected that the 4F's of my limbic system consist of beefy Fight, reluctant Flight, excessive Feeding, and crippled "Sexual Behaving."  Well, at a meeting last evening the Feeder appeared more subtly than Ego ever had anticipated.

In an effort to ameliorate my more manic public displays, Ego had decided to play cool jazz for easier listening.  Meanwhile Sexy Beast observed the sweetness shared by folks around the room then began warming when a friend arrived and enjoyed sitting close.

Not long after, the friend decided to sit less close, which alarmed Sexy Beast...an understandable yet unnecessary response.  Within moments Feeder, who had grazed lightly for a half hour or so, answered the alarm by grazing earnestly, prowling for victuals during a phone call, and ceasing only when my ride walked out the door.

Good grief!  Nevertheless, suspicion received confirmation as the Mind sifted through actors and events while Consciousness slept and then produced an unexpected reward: joy so exceeded dismay that feeling mortified slides right off my Self.  Wow!

Sure, I feel shy...but who with any lick of sense wouldn't feel at least a wee foolish for noshing incessantly amid company.  So Ego has decided to let Elan ride.

Right on!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Questions from a Mindful Friend

1. If female, how do you like for men to show their interest in you?

Pay attention, find common interests, ask thoughtful questions, offer kindness, demonstrate persistence.

2.  How might a man show interest in a female who happens to fit our culture's stereotypical image of attractive without perpetuating stereotypes that men are all just interested in women for their looks?

Presume nothing, accept any disinterest with respectful grace, anticipate worthwhile challenges; request her company, ask intelligent questions, discover her boundaries, suggest mutually enjoyable play (e.g., cinema, sport, dance, party).

3.  If female, do you like to know whether a man feels physically attracted to you?  At what point in getting to know him do you like to be assured of this?

Indeed. Whenever it occurs to him...provided that he not expect reciprocity but prepare assiduously for any delightful surprises {grin}.  (If not interested, I expect myself to decline appreciatively yet gently.)

Good hunting, Gentlemen!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

LoveTribe Update

Feeling jazzed to host Yum! with my coordinating buddy again soon!   Also, have offered my services to LTCore.   Recently explained that my need to work on other's behalf helps alleviate excessive vanity from caring only for myself.   Am looking forward to "leaving the building" more frequently in the weeks ahead.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

News from Latter 2010

Some highlights from time spent with touch-positive folk.
==== Jul ====
Wet & Wetter was
well worth the physiological hangover
...been feeling wretched yet sunny {grin}.
Particularly enjoyed chatting with [certain folks].
Profoundly appreciated assistance from [specific folks].
Thoroughly delighted to reconnect with [familiar folks].
The day wouldn't have been the same without [special folks]
who provided exquisite opportunities for
growth that will abide with me for the week.
Sharing gentle and tender eros
with a groovy youthful soul has kept
me humming with joy. In this spirit,
I prepare for Yum! on Friday!

P.S. The introduction to Registration etc. presented
sufficient adventure to last several months...yup.

==== Aug ====
Many thanks to all who have touched back
via LTC Connections, whether recently or before {grin}.
Several folks already know about my social limitations
...as well as my super powers.
So surmounting 20 mutual connections feels grand!
Y'all rock in you preciously unique way {smooch}!

==== Sep ====
Participating in the Masquerade
Romp on the 25Sep was worthwhile.
Delights included beholding a sharply sweet southern belle
dressed all vouslez-vous in emerald satin and black lace,
crowned by exquisite auburn locks, no less.
What's more, a very dear one bestowed the bliss of
combing smooth my own treasured tresses.
My slap-dash punch was a modest hit, one I
since have refined the recipe {grin}.

==== Oct ====
Am hoping that the dual events
in Seattle have passed productively for
both participants and presenters today 30Oct.
Am feeling mighty excited...still...about viewing the DVDs from TLC.
Avidly looking forward to collaborating with the
Tie-Dye Goddess for the November Yum!

==== Nov ====
Gearing up for Shakti's Indulgence
(04Dec) drew heavily on my talents for waiting {grin}.
Family business has kept me on my toes, and rent assistance
has kept me on pins and needles.

==== Dec ====
Enjoyed my first gig
with Team Angel at Shakti's Indulgence.
Provided some punch about which folks quietly raved...right on!
Attended the investor's meeting on the following day
and expressed
my interest in contributing
"virtual sweat equity" to our LT Core. Moreover,
decided (1) to request that well-equipped participants bring
massage tables for YUM!
and (2) to move the waiver-cum-
cash table into the event space for 07Jan.
In other news, the trial of winter holidays  
has shown me how kinship within LoveTribe
comforts and encourages me.
Flame on!